
„How to win Government Contracts in Germany“ am 17.02.2020 in Tel Aviv


Am 17.02.2020 veranstaltet die AHK Israel (Deutsch-Israelische Industrie- und Handelskammer) in Tel Aviv eine Veranstaltung mit dem Titel

How to win Government Contracts in Germany.

Dr. Daniel Soudry, LL.M. wird hierzu einen Vortrag halten, der folgende Fragen behandelt:

  • How can I find relevant business opportunities?
  • When can Israeli companies apply in Germany?
  • In which language is the award procedure carried out?
  • Apply alone or team up with partners?
  • What if a bidder is a “sole source supplier“?
  • What´ s the “Principle of Product Neutrality? What are the exemptions?
  • What are the main obstacles for foreign companies?
  • Bidder requests: When to ask a question – and when to remain silent?
  • What is the legal remedy in the event of an infringement?

Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung hier.